Imagine embarking on a self-guided tour in Miyajima, Japan, where you can explore the island’s beauty at your own pace. With bullet train and ferry tickets included, this tour offers convenience and flexibility for travelers.

But what exactly does it entail? How much does it cost? And what are the key inclusions?

In this discussion, we will delve into the details of this self-guided tour, providing you with all the essential information to plan your visit to Miyajima. From transportation to meeting points, schedules to exclusions, join us as we uncover the ins and outs of this exciting adventure.

Quick Takeaways

Self Guided Tour in Miyajima With Bullet Train and Ferry Ticket - Quick Takeaways

  • The self-guided tour in Miyajima includes transportation on the bullet train, which offers speed, comfort, and efficiency.
  • Assigned seats on the bullet train provide relaxation and scenic views during the journey.
  • After transferring to a conventional line, there is a short ride to Miyajimaguchi Station before boarding the ferry to Miyajima Island.
  • The tour includes a visit to Itsukushima Shrine and the opportunity to admire the famous torii gate from the water. Plus, the admission fee for the shrine and the fare for the Miyajima Ropeway are included in the tour.

Transportation Details

Self Guided Tour in Miyajima With Bullet Train and Ferry Ticket - Transportation Details

To ensure a smooth and convenient journey, the transportation details for the Miyajima self-guided tour are outlined below.

Traveling from Osaka to Miyajima involves taking the bullet train and a ferry ride. The bullet train offers several benefits, including speed, comfort, and efficiency. With assigned seats, passengers can relax and enjoy the scenic views during the approximately two-hour journey from Osaka to Hiroshima.

Upon arrival at Hiroshima station, travelers will transfer to the conventional line for a short ride to Miyajimaguchi Station. From there, a ferry ride awaits to transport visitors to the picturesque island of Miyajima. This ferry ride experience allows passengers to admire the famous Itsukushima Shrine and its iconic torii gate from the water. It’s a truly unique and unforgettable way to arrive at Miyajima.

Inclusions and Admission Fees

Included in the Miyajima self-guided tour are various inclusions and admission fees that enhance the experience of exploring this beautiful island.

One of the highlights of the tour is the opportunity to explore Itsukushima Shrine and learn about its history. The admission fee for the shrine is 300 yen for adults and 100 yen for children.

Another exciting inclusion is the fare for the Miyajima Ropeway, which allows visitors to enjoy the scenic views from the top of Mount Misen. The round-trip ticket for the ropeway costs 2000 yen for adults and 1000 yen for children.

These inclusions provide visitors with the chance to enjoy the rich cultural heritage and natural beauty of Miyajima.

Meeting and Pickup Information

Self Guided Tour in Miyajima With Bullet Train and Ferry Ticket - Meeting and Pickup Information

Continuing with the logistics of the tour, the meeting and pickup information for the Miyajima self-guided tour will now be discussed.

  1. Meeting Point: The meeting point for this tour is Shin-Osaka Station, located in Yodogawa Ward, Osaka, Japan.
  2. Pickup Location: The pickup location will be at Shin-Osaka Station, where you will gather to begin the tour.
  3. No Tour Guide: It’s important to note that there will be no tour guide for this tour, as it’s a self-guided experience. Participants are responsible for navigating the itinerary and attractions on their own.

Please ensure that you arrive at the meeting point on time to avoid any delays in the tour. The departure and arrival time for the shinkansen will be determined 10 days before the tour.

Schedule and Tour Information

Self Guided Tour in Miyajima With Bullet Train and Ferry Ticket - Schedule and Tour Information

The schedule and tour information for the Miyajima self-guided tour provides essential details about the itinerary and logistics of the experience. The tour duration is a full day, starting at 7:30 AM and ending back at the meeting point. Participants will travel from Shin-Osaka Station to Hiroshima Station on a shinkansen, then take a conventional line to Miyajimaguchi Station. From there, they will board a ferry to Miyajima Island. Recommended activities on the tour include visiting the famous Itsukushima Shrine, where admission fees are included, and taking a ride on the Miyajima Ropeway, which offers stunning views of the island. The schedule and tour information ensure that participants have all the necessary details for a successful and enjoyable self-guided tour.

Schedule Location Activity
7:30 AM Shin-Osaka Station Departure
– Hiroshima Station Shinkansen
– Miyajimaguchi Station Conventional line
– Miyajima Island Ferry
– Miyajima Island Itsukushima Shrine
– Miyajima Island Miyajima Ropeway
– Miyajima Island Free time
– Miyajimaguchi Station Ferry
– Hiroshima Station Conventional line
– Shin-Osaka Station Arrival

Exclusions and Additional Notes

Self Guided Tour in Miyajima With Bullet Train and Ferry Ticket - Exclusions and Additional Notes

Participants should note that food and beverages, as well as a tour guide, aren’t included in the Miyajima self-guided tour. It’s recommended to bring snacks or have a meal before embarking on the tour.

As for the tour guide, you will be exploring the island on their own, allowing for a more flexible and personalized experience.

In terms of transportation, the tour includes round trip fare for the Shinkansen, with assigned seats, between Osaka and Hiroshima Station. From there, you will take the conventional line to Miyajimaguchi Station, followed by a ferry ride to Miyajima.

Inclusions for the tour cover the admission fee for Itsukushima Shrine and the fare for the Miyajima Ropeway.

The meeting point for the tour is Shin-Osaka Station, and the tour starts at 07:30 AM. The activity will end back at the meeting point, and it’s important to note that the tour has a non-refundable policy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are There Any Discounts Available for the Shinkansen and Ferry Tickets?

Discounts for the shinkansen and ferry tickets are not mentioned in the current information. However, the benefits of the guided tour include transportation arrangements and admission fees for Itsukushima Shrine and Miyajima Ropeway.

Can I Bring My Own Food and Drinks on the Shinkansen and Ferry?

Passengers on the shinkansen and ferry are allowed to bring their own food and drinks. The pros of bringing your own are cost savings and personal preference, while the cons include limited space and potential mess.

Is There a Specific Time Limit for Visiting Itsukushima Shrine and Taking the Miyajima Ropeway?

There is no specific time limit for visiting Itsukushima Shrine and taking the Miyajima Ropeway. The best time to visit these attractions is during daylight hours to fully enjoy the views.

How Far Is the Meeting Point at Shin-Osaka Station From the Starting Point of the Tour?

The distance from the meeting point at Shin-Osaka Station to the starting point of the tour is unknown as the departure and arrival time for the shinkansen will be decided 10 days before the tour. The duration of the tour is also unknown.

Are There Any Restrictions on Baggage Size or Weight for the Shinkansen and Ferry?

There are baggage restrictions for both the Shinkansen and ferry. Passengers should adhere to the size and weight limitations set by the respective transportation companies. It is advised to check their websites or contact them directly for specific details.

The Sum Up

To sum it up, the self-guided tour in Miyajima offers travelers the opportunity to explore the beautiful island at their own pace, with transportation and admission fees included. The tour provides convenient bullet train and ferry tickets, as well as access to popular attractions such as Itsukushima Shrine and the Miyajima Ropeway.

Although the tour is non-refundable and can’t be changed, it allows visitors to experience the picturesque scenery and cultural sites of Miyajima without the need for a tour guide.

Tokyo Trip Checklist

  • To make sure you have all the important things covered see my first-time-in-Tokyo guide
  • Get your 1,2 or 3-day Tokyo Unlimited Subway Pass to easily get around Tokyo
  • If you want to travel on bullet trains you can save big with a Japan Rail Pass. Here’s why is worth it.
  • You’ll need a prepaid sim or Portable WIFI to stay connected in Tokyo.
  • Check out my detailed Tokyo packing list to make sure you’re prepared.
  • The best site to book hotels in Tokyo is almost always And remember to book early, especially during busy times.
  • For travel insurance (which you need) Word Nomads offer great coverage in Japan and are highly recommended.

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